Phase 2 FAQ

Is this the right time to talk about building?

The Building Committee was tasked with assessing the need for a building expansion. The Building Committee has determined that a need does exist. The process of planning, designing and constructing a building expansion is a multi-year process; therefore, planning should start now.

What kind of timeline are we talking about?

The timeline begins with assessing the need for a building expansion, engaging the congregation, design and construction. This is typically a three year process. The vision of the Building Committee is to hire a design firm in the first quarter of 2022. Construction may commence in the Fall of 2022 and be completed in the Fall of 2023.

Will I have a chance to give my input?

Yes, the Building Committee plans to engage the congregation with small group informational meetings during the Summer of 2021. You can also submit feedback to the committee directly with the form below.

The construction plans used for the existing facility included a Phase II conceptual design. Would we use these existing plans for the building expansion?

The existing plans will be used as a basis for a new design. The input from the congregation will greatly influence the new design.

Will we use the same architectural designer and contractor?

Not necessarily, we will interview several firms and select the most qualified firms for our current and future needs.

How can we start building when we still have a mortgage on our existing building?

Based on our current giving, our current mortgage will be paid off within the next three years.

How do you determine the size of a building expansion?

Our current facility is 16,185 square feet and our vision is to consider a 10,000 square foot expansion. The size of the expansion will be based on congregational input and ministry needs.

The current facility seems adequate, why change it?

The vision of a building expansion is to provide a dedicated worship area, inclusive of additional seating, dedicated music areas, a technology center, a Parlor and other ministry support areas. An expansion will allow our current worship space to be used as a dedicated Fellowship Hall.

Why are we expanding when we can’t fill our current sanctuary?

Pre-COVID our worship attendance met or exceeded our existing, comfortable, seating capacity. Special services and events exceeded our seating capacity. As we continue to grow, it is our vision to stay ahead of that growth by expanding our capacity to accommodate members, visitors and the community.

How would a project like this improve our church worship life?

Our current facility is limiting us in accomplishing our mission “To Know Christ, To Make Christ Known”. We are growing even during the pandemic and we must be able to foster continued growth.